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How HubSpot Breeze AI is Revolutionising Sales Teams

Written by Richard Strange | Sep 24, 2024

It's shocking to think salespeople spend just 2-hours a day selling. The rest of the time is spent prepping and doing follow-ups. So it's not surprising that sales leaders are always on the look out for new ways to save time and give it back to the job of selling.

Well HubSpot has certainly stepped up with a bag full of goodies for the sale team to streamline processes and boost productivity.

Enter Breeze HubSpot's latest AI product, which could transform the way sales professionals work. Let’s explore how this innovative AI solution is empowering sales teams to achieve more.


What is Breeze AI?

Breeze AI is HubSpot’s latest artificial intelligence technology designed specifically for sales teams. It integrates seamlessly with HubSpot’s existing CRM platform, providing intelligent automation and insights to help sales reps work more efficiently and effectively.

Key Benefits of HubSpot Breeze for Sales Teams

1. Automated Data Entry and Enrichment

One of the most time-consuming aspects of sales is data entry. Breeze AI automates this process, saving countless hours and improving data accuracy:

  • Intelligent Data Capture: Breeze AI uses natural language processing to scan emails, call transcripts, and meeting notes. It automatically extracts key information such as contact details, pain points, and action items, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

  • Cross-Platform Integration: The AI syncs data across various platforms, including email, calendar, and social media. For example, if a prospect mentions their company size on a LinkedIn post, Breeze AI can update this information in the CRM.

  • Real-Time Data Enrichment: By tapping into vast databases and public information sources, Breeze AI continuously enriches contact profiles. It can add details like company revenue, recent news, or technological stack, providing sales reps with a comprehensive view of each prospect.

  • Data Cleansing and Deduplication: The AI constantly monitors CRM data for inconsistencies, duplicates, or outdated information. It suggests updates or merges, ensuring the sales team always works with clean, accurate data.

This level of automation not only saves time but also ensures that sales reps have the most up-to-date and comprehensive information at their fingertips, enabling more informed and personalized interactions.


2. Intelligent Lead Scoring and Prioritization

Breeze AI revolutionizes how sales teams prioritize their efforts through advanced lead scoring:

  • Multi-Factor Scoring Algorithm: The AI analyzes a wide range of factors to score leads, including demographic data, engagement history, website behavior, and social media activity. This comprehensive approach provides a more accurate prediction of a lead’s likelihood to convert.

  • Dynamic Scoring: Unlike static scoring models, Breeze AI continuously updates lead scores based on real-time interactions and changing circumstances. For instance, if a lead suddenly increases their engagement with your content, their score will be adjusted accordingly.

  • Customizable Scoring Models: Sales managers can fine-tune the scoring algorithm to align with their specific business needs and ideal customer profiles. The AI learns from these adjustments and improves its accuracy over time.

  • Actionable Insights: Beyond just providing a score, Breeze AI offers specific insights into why a lead is scored high or low. This transparency helps sales reps understand the best approach for each prospect.

  • Automated Lead Distribution: Based on lead scores and rep performance data, the AI can automatically assign leads to the most appropriate sales rep, ensuring optimal matching and increasing the chances of conversion.

By leveraging this intelligent lead scoring system, sales teams can focus their energy on the most promising opportunities, dramatically improving efficiency and conversion rates.

3. Personalized Content Recommendations

Breeze AI takes the guesswork out of content personalization:

  • Behavioural Analysis: The AI tracks each prospect’s interactions with your website, emails, and other touchpoints. It analyzes which topics, formats, and types of content resonate most with each individual.

  • Intent Prediction: By analyzing search patterns and engagement history, Breeze AI can predict a prospect’s current needs and interests, allowing sales reps to proactively address these in their outreach.

  • Dynamic Content Library: The AI maintains an up-to-date understanding of your entire content library. It can quickly match the most relevant pieces to each prospect based on their industry, role, stage in the buyer’s journey, and specific pain points.

  • Personalised Email Recommendations: When drafting emails, Breeze AI can suggest relevant snippets, case studies, or attachments to include, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

  • Real-Time Conversation Aids: During sales calls or virtual meetings, the AI can provide real-time suggestions for talking points, objection handling strategies, or relevant statistics based on the conversation flow.

  • A/B Testing and Optimization: Breeze AI continuously analyzes the performance of different content pieces and personalization strategies. It uses this data to refine its recommendations over time, ensuring increasingly effective personalisation.

This level of personalization enables sales reps to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, significantly improving engagement rates and moving prospects through the sales funnel more efficiently.

4. Predictive Analytics and Forecasting

Breeze AI’s predictive capabilities provide invaluable insights for both sales reps and managers:

  • Advanced Forecasting Models: The AI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze historical sales data, current pipeline, market trends, and external factors (like seasonality or economic indicators) to generate highly accurate sales forecasts.

  • Deal Health Scoring: For each opportunity in the pipeline, Breeze AI calculates a “health score” based on factors like engagement levels, stakeholder buy-in, and comparison to similar past deals. This helps identify at-risk opportunities early.

  • Win Probability Predictions: The AI provides dynamic win probability predictions for each deal, updating in real-time as new information becomes available. This helps sales reps prioritize their efforts and managers allocate resources effectively.

  • Bottleneck Identification: By analyzing the sales process across numerous deals, Breeze AI can identify common bottlenecks or sticking points. It provides recommendations for process improvements to streamline the sales cycle.

  • Churn Prediction: For existing customers, the AI can predict the likelihood of churn based on factors like product usage, support ticket history, and engagement levels. This allows for proactive retention efforts.

  • What-If” Scenario Modeling: Sales leaders can use Breeze AI to model different scenarios, such as the impact of adding new reps or changing territory assignments, to make data-driven strategic decisions.

These predictive analytics capabilities enable sales teams to move from reactive to proactive management, addressing potential issues before they impact revenue and making more informed strategic decisions.

5. AI-Powered Meeting Scheduling and Follow-ups

Breeze AI streamlines the administrative side of sales, allowing reps to focus more on building relationships:

  • Intelligent Scheduling: The AI analyzes the calendars of all parties involved, considering factors like time zones, preferred meeting times, and buffer periods. It then suggests optimal meeting slots, significantly reducing the back-and-forth typically involved in scheduling.

  • Automated Meeting Preparation: Before each meeting, Breeze AI compiles a brief for the sales rep, including key prospect information, previous interaction history, and relevant talking points.

  • Real-Time Meeting Insights: During virtual meetings, the AI can provide real-time prompts and suggestions based on the conversation flow, helping reps stay on track and address key points.

  • Automated Follow-up Generation: Post-meeting, Breeze AI drafts personalized follow-up emails, including relevant action items, shared resources, and next steps discussed during the meeting. Reps can review and modify these drafts before sending.

  • Task Creation and Reminders: The AI automatically creates tasks and sets reminders for follow-up actions, ensuring no commitments fall through the cracks.

  • Engagement Tracking: Breeze AI monitors prospect engagement with follow-up communications, alerting reps when it’s time to reach out again or if a prospect shows renewed interest.

  • Meeting Analytics: The AI provides analytics on meeting effectiveness, including talk-time ratios, frequently discussed topics, and correlation with deal outcomes. This data helps reps and managers identify areas for improvement in their meeting strategies.

By automating these time-consuming administrative tasks, Breeze AI frees up valuable time for sales reps to focus on high-value activities that directly impact sales outcomes.

The Future of Sales with Breeze AI

As Breeze AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced features that will further revolutionize sales processes. From AI-driven coaching for sales reps to advanced natural language processing for analyzing sales calls, the possibilities are endless.



HubSpot’s Breeze AI is more than just a tool – it’s a powerful ally for sales teams looking to thrive in a competitive landscape. By automating routine tasks, providing valuable insights, and enabling more personalized interactions, Breeze AI empowers sales professionals to work smarter, not harder. As businesses continue to adopt this technology, we’re likely to see a significant shift in how sales teams operate, leading to increased productivity, better customer relationships, and ultimately, improved bottom lines.

For sales teams looking to stay ahead of the curve, embracing AI technologies like Breeze is no longer optional – it’s essential for success in the modern sales environment.