28 February 2024 Richard Strange

7 Quick wins with HubSpot you need to add to your calendar this week

Add some quick wins to your calendar for this week's activities and see if you can make a difference to the marketing numbers with these suggestions.

1. Replace CTA buttons that say: “submit”

It’s not very friendly and no one wants to submit to anything. Try instead to use action words and verbs such as download, start and get.

An excellent way to get started is to think of the following phrase in your head and then apply the rest of the sentence to the subject of your form.

“I want to……”  I want to start a free trial; download the eBook; register for the webinar. Example: <Get RevOps advice>

2. Thank you pages and secondary CTAs

First things first. Don't use inline form responses, use thank you pages. 

You can use landing pages in HubSpot but add the navigation back to your thank you page (TYP). The naming convention for a thank you page is to add a TYP at the start to help you quickly get to the page type you want.

Add a secondary CTA to every thank you page. On a two-column TYP, add 'next steps' as the title to your column and put down your next steps or secondary offer form.

Maybe you just requested to download an eBook, and your TYP has the 'download now' button. On the right column, you can have a new top-of-flywheel content CTA (see what I did there) or a more sales-converting CTA like 'talk to sales' or 'book a demo.'

See how many more leads you generate.

3. Drive more leads with blog CTAs

Go to your top 20 most trafficked (popular) blogs and check you have an inline CTA (underlined linked word) in the first two paragraphs. It could be you link a keyword or a benefit to a landing page offer or even just another page.

Add an image CTA to the end of your top 20 blogs. Add a bold and fun content offer to each blog (preferably in line with the content on the page) 

It's likely someone came to your blog through search, so getting them quickly to another age on your website is great for suppressing bounce and can get visitors engaged with your product.

4. Choose a content pillar topic 

Choose a keyword or topic and see if you have a content pillar page in place.

In short, the content pillar page is the hero page that you've made for that topic or keyword. All other pages on this topic around your website should be pointing to the content pillar page.

Use HubSpot’s content strategy tools to help you set up the content pillar page.

5. Offline surface new keywords and topics

To research a content pillar page topic or keyword, ask five salespeople to send you three reasons why recent new leads reached out to them. 

Get them to check emails and questions and comments you've been asked on LinkedIn. Or ask them to recall conversations uncovered in discovery calls. If they're using CRM properly, you can look for yourself at the discovery call notes, emails and transcripts. Hmm.

Collate the answers and see where it takes you.

6. Create an “interesting footer”

This one is part sanity check and part challenge.

For example, HubSpot’s footer lists its most popular content offers—the resources, templates and tools everyone loves but which often get hidden.


The sanity check or challenge is - do you have a helpful, useful or interesting content?

If not, then use the time to get your thinking caps on.

Scarcity can position your message - add some paid content 

How good is your content? Why not add some paid content and see if you can generate some more traction with scarcity?

If someone believes your content has more value, it could make it more desirable.

Depending on where in the world you are, you could use HubSpot Payments or Stripe and set up a pay option. This might lead to salespeople being contacted for free copies.

It might be that you don't ask for hard cash and you recognise the form as the payment method. Make it hot content and see what additional content you can ask. 1-3 fields on a form can offer a better conversion rate than 4-7, but once you get to 8 fields on a form, well a few more don't change your conversion rate that much.

7. How long have they been at this stage? Please fix it

Do you know how long a deal has been stuck in a stage in your HubSpot CRM pipeline? 

Yes, of course.

But is anyone measuring it, and acting on the data.

Ask any salesperson, and they'll tell you, "Time kills all deals."

So, set up automation to alert you or the sales manager to deals that are stuck in a pipeline or have no follow-up task attached to them.

You can help head off issues and closed lost deals.


Be a HubSpot CRM leader tomorrow. Start today.  

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